
just one of my hats.

Monday, April 6, 2009

the news from my kitchen.

so, it's been how long? a week? normally at this point i would have given up this whole project, thinking it a waste since i've not been completely conscientious at keeping up with my posting, but, in an effort to turn over a new leaf, i shall write, tonight.

perhaps it is time to share some pictures from my kitchen. my favorite confectionary accomplishment as of late has been the chocolate sandwich recipe i referenced the other day. i hurriedly whipped up a batch for a picnic with some fellow mama friends and i apologize to them because that first attempt was not up to my perfectionist standards. i overbaked them. *grrr*. well, i had never made chocolate cookies before....kinda tough to tell when they're done considering that whole "lightly browned" factor sorta goes out the window. second time around, i was a bit more cautious, and consequently much more happy with the end result. wanna try 'em yourself? they're beyond easy.

step one: mix 2 boxes of devil's food cake mix, 2/3 cup vegetable oil, and four eggs. roll into 1 inch balls.

step two: bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 min. 9 min. 27 seconds if you've got a very old, pretty crappy gas stove.

step three: combine one softened 8 oz. pkg. of cream cheese and one softened stick of butter. mix in 1 tsp. vanilla and 3-4 cups confectioner's sugar, adding slowly until desired filling consistency is reached. the original recipe only calls for whatever food coloring you prefer, but of course i had to add my own touch: fresh blended strawberries. the end result was a sort of chocolate covered creamy strawberry chocolately chocolate cookie. did i mention the chocolate?

picture quality leaves a little to be desired, but you get the idea.

i'm fresh out of anything else entertaining tonight. stop by later on in the week and maybe something a little more scintillating than cookies will have shown up. :)

-A Changed Woman


  1. Is it bad that I just licked the computer screen in hopes that just a lil' tiny bit of that delectable chocolate strawberry goodness would be detected? Alas, it was not. Dammit!!

  2. i can send you some. i will have to pack them in dry ice but i bet it would do the trick. i so will. i even think i still have your address. are we ever fated to meet? i wonder.
